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News and Events
The Setting
Social Orders
The Intent Clause
The Authenticity Clause
The Reality Clause


The American Medievalist's Association is a private, non-public organization. As such, no one is entitled to become a member, although we do not discriminate based on race, creed, color, national origin, etc… We are however, a historically based re-enactment group. The American Medievalist's Association does discriminate on a historical basis. Only cultures known to Western European, 13th Century societies are allowed. Thus, say, a Native American could join to re-enact, say, Scottish culture, but not his own Native American culture. An exception could possibly be made for "Eskimos & Skraelings", since these were well known to Scandinavians, but historically speaking, they would be only exotic curiosities.

Membership in the American Medievalist's Association is open to almost anyone interested in the middle Ages, particularly the 13th Century. Our activities are a function of the interests of our members, and derived from serious research to live-action-role-playing (1.a.r.p, or larping). Members must be over 18 (i.e., legal age) or they must obtain written permission from a parent or guardian. Then a membership application must be filled out and accepted by the organization on a yearly basis. We would prefer that the prospective member attend several activities before joining, but this is not insisted upon. At this point the person may be invited to become a member. It goes without saying that you must be a member to hold any status or position within the organization.

Members are asked to sign "waivers" upon joining, or before attending events. The purpose of a waiver is to show "informed consent" to take part in a re-enactment type of activity. Notice that this does not sign away any rights you might have under the law. New members are on a one year probationary period during which they must attend at least one event, acquire a minimal set of period clothing, and own something period to eat off of and to drink out of. These things would be necessary to attend the event anyway. These minimal accoutrements do not have to be purchased, they can be traded for, or even self-made. No member may be required to render service to another member in order to acquire these goods either. The essential point is that current members cannot dictate to new members concerning how to obtain clothes, tableware, etc.

The Association has the Right to refuse or revoke memberships at any time. Dues must then be refunded on a prorated basis. One basis for revoking or non-renewal of a membership would be failure of probation. This would mean that the member failed to obtain the minimum clothing, etc., or else never attended an event for that calendar year. The most common cause of loss of membership is non-payment of dues. If you are not willing to support the American Medievalist's Association, then leave with no hard feelings.

A membership could also be revoked due to criminal or mental conditions. We do not tolerate thievery of our goods, and we do not believe that weapons and psychopaths are a healthy mixture. Members are free to quit the American Medievalist's Association at any time, as the member is on probation with the Association, so the Association is on probation to the new Member. If you choose to quit, and state so in writing,  within 90 days of Joining, we will refund your dues in full. Otherwise the dues will be pro-rated based on the amount of time left in the calendar year. All membership renewals are now due by the time of the yearly kingdom census, held June 1st. A membership must be current in order for that members' character to hold any medieval position or count toward an overlords' feudal strength. If a member has financial difficulties and wishes to remain a member, it is suggested that they contact various Lords and Nobles to see which of them, if any, would offer the best terms for paying that member's dues to the association.


This is not Intended to be an exhaustive enumeration of everything that pertains to membership. Some other details are touched upon elsewhere in this handbook. The main intention is that you enjoy being a member. If that is not the case, speak up and we will try to resolve the problem.


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Last modified: April 01, 2002